NEW 2022 Helium 10 Listing Builder Optimization Tool for Amazon FBA.mp4
NEW 2022 Helium 10 Listing Builder Optimization Tool for Amazon FBA

Tomer [00:00:04] All right, guys. Welcome to another video. Today, I have a special guest that I was trying to bring up a long time, a few weeks now. We had some struggles, but finally it happened. We have Lailama from Helium 10, a brand evangelist there. And she has a background in photography.
She did more than 100 products for Amazon sellers, more than a hundred listings. And she had three years of experience in eCommerce and over 300 product listings, optimizations, and consulting for Amazon sellers. Welcome, Lailama, how are you today?
Lailama [00:00:42] I’m doing great. Thank you for having me on. How about yourself? How are you doing?
Tomer [00:00:48] Of course. Thank you for coming in. I’m doing great. Yes, it’s a nice day here in Florida. And I know in Canada is also a nice day. So happy we finally made it. And today we are going to talk about the new listing optimization tool by Helium 10 that, according to you, is going to replace or already replaced the Scribbles tool that I showed in many of the videos here.
Will try it if the time would allow us to cover how to start the new listing using this tool, making sure that all the keywords and everything that we need to do is there and if we have time.
We’ll also going over an existing listing to try to optimize it because we all know that keyword changing constantly or maybe we didn’t do a great job at the beginning and we need to optimize it again. So hopefully we’ll have time for that as well.
So yeah, if you are ready, you can share the screen and show us about this amazing tool and if you don’t have Helium 10 already, definitely get one. We can put the discount link in the description.
Lailama [00:01:58] Sounds good. Okay. So this is what the Listing Builder Tool, which is our listing optimization tool. And we will be sunsetting the Scribbles too soon when this is a new and improved version.
As you will see along this video, there are additional features and some very cool things that we’ve added here, some extra capabilities that will allow you to do a lot more stuff. So you’ll find out what the new features are throughout the tool. And we will also go over how to use this tool.
Tomer [00:02:31] Is that for elite members or it’s open for everyone?
Lailama [00:02:36] It’s open for everyone.
Tomer [00:02:38] So
Lailama [00:02:39] So everyone should have access to it.
Tomer [00:02:40] All right. So as long as you have Helium 10, then you will have access to that. And how you get to this tool, like from the menu, you just go to those and it should where it is.
Lailama [00:02:50] Absolutely. So you go to tools, you hit Listing Builder and over here you’re going to see a bunch of listings if you’ve already uploaded a listing or you’re linking it. But if not, you will just hit, add a listing and then create from scratch.
If you aren’t already using this tool, or if you have a listing that is already present on Seller Central, you go to connect Seller Central and go from there. But in this case, because we are starting from scratch, you want to make sure you select the right marketplace and if you have ASIN already, you can enter it here and hit start building.
Then you can add in a bunch of keywords that you’ve saved in My List. So you can either edit from here or we can show you how to add those later as well.
Tomer [00:03:38] I see that it says also like get keyword as suggestions. So you put like a keyword then it suggests or it knows the product and then it’s giving you the keywords.
Lailama [00:03:50] So yeah, that’s a great question. So this, what you can do is put in your ASIN or any ASIN that is a competitor. If you don’t already have one, two top competitors and it will suggest with you might have used a Cerebro tool and that tool kind of shows you who your competitors are.
And then based on that particular algorithm, it’s going to suggest some keywords. You can even added in manually here if you haven’t already created a list of keywords.
Tomer [00:04:24] And that’s nice. So before what I used to do, I would go to the Cerebro separately, open a new tab and get the keywords from there. And here, it’s nicer because it’s like in one place, one interface, you don’t have to jump through windows. That’s a more productive way to do that.
Lailama [00:04:41] That is actually a great point, Tomer. Because a lot of the times we’re moving from one tool on to another. That’s kind of what we do at Helium 10. And, you know, there’s so many tools.
So what I like to do is save every list of keyword into my list, keywords, and that way you can really trans import export from one tool on to the other. So make sure you save your keywords here and it’ll streamline the process. So almost all our tools will allow you to export or import from this list.
Tomer [00:05:11] Well, okay, that’s cool.
Lailama [00:05:14] Yeah. All right. So now coming on to this tool, usually you’ll have like a bunch of keywords that you’ve already set for yourself. Those will appear here. And I can show you another window which showcases this keyword bank. So at this point, you have done your keyword research and you’re ready to start building your listing. So you’ll have individual word phrases and you’ll also have the long tail keyword phrases.
So they will be sorted out into two categories. The phrases are going to be sorted out by search volume. So the ones in red have the highest search volume. And then if it’s black or gray, this color, that means that it has the lowest search volume.
In this case, we don’t have a lot of low search volume keywords, which is why it’s not showing up as gray. So it color codes it for you, which is very helpful because then you know which words to prioritize and target.
Tomer [00:06:15] Yeah. With Scribbles, I couldn’t do that. So that’s a really nice new feature there.
Lailama [00:06:21] Oh yeah. And then words are sorted by word frequency. So that is being taken from phrases. So the word coffin is the most commonly occurring word, which is why it’s color-coded in red. So it gives you a lot of minute, little details or pieces of information that can be very helpful. And I’ll show you another cool trick, if you hit this toggle ( Hide Used).
Tomer [00:06:47] Oh, good.
Lailama [00:06:50] Yeah. All the words…
Tomer [00:06:51] I hate it when it’s like a cross and then you have to scroll down.This is amazing. This is nice.
Lailama [00:06:58] Yes. So, you know, it makes it so much easier to view which keywords you haven’t already targeted. So that’s a great thing about this tool as well.
Tomer [00:07:06] Well, that’s good. Yeah. So what are what are the best ways to do your research for keywords? Like Cerebro, it’s a good one. I know that Cerebro is now combined with Brand Analytics too.
So do I have to go to Brand Analytics separately or what do you think it’s the best way? Or just use the import from the beginning, the first step where you put like two or three, you’re limited to two competitor ASINs or it’s like more than that.
Lailama [00:07:33] So in Cerebro, the great thing is you can enter up 10 ASINs, 10 competitors.You can enter one up to ten. So it’s really up to, you.
Tomer [00:07:44] This tool at the beginning, I think it to import keyword, you could put two competitors here. But I guess it works with the Cerebro engine. So should it still need to go directly to Cerebro or I can just use like put 10 ASINs here or it wouldn’t allow me?
Lailama [00:08:01] That is a good question. You know, ideally, if you’re feeling lazy and you want to add some extra keywords, I would say, you can go to keyword suggestions. Yeah, 2 to10.
Tomer [00:08:15] Okay.
Lailama [00:08:17] So you could do it here if you wanted to get some keyword suggestions and you’re like in a bit of a rush and lacking ideas. But I would still recommend, like, if you’re doing keyword research from scratch, go to Cerebro, enter your ASINs. It’s also got so many different filters that will allow you to find keywords according to what you think is opportunity.
Tomer [00:08:39] Relevancy.
Lailama [00:08:41] And relevancy too. So try to play around with that. If it’s something you’re optimizing further in that case, or like adding one or two extra keywords, then you can absolutely use this particular feature.
Tomer [00:08:54] Yes. Okay. Okay, great. Yeah.
Lailama [00:08:57] And I actually wanted to touch base on one other thing. We also give you a listing analysis. So all of these keywords that we’ve input, its total search volume is 23K (23,000.) So if you don’t target all of these keywords, it’ll show you like, hey, you have the potential to add in 23,000 search volume to your listing when you’ve only targeted 11,000 so far. So it gives you that reminder, keeps you on your toes like you can target for more.
Obviously, I’m not suggesting you keyword stuff, but maybe prioritize your keywords in a way where you can target the one with the highest search volume. Or there’s a really other cool way of targeting getting the most out of your keywords, which is so you’ll see here, you know, it says “coffin shelf for wall.”
There’s also one called “coffin shelf.” So if you type in “coffin shelf for wall” here, it’ll target both the keywords. So that’s a trick to keyword stuff without a really keyword stuffing. So that’s one of my tricks to like get as many keywords in.
Tomer [00:10:08] And this is honestly, I used that tool that for almost a year they did the same thing and it was a game changer. It’s much more expensive than Helium 10 and it’s not like for everyone, but any Amazon seller should have Helium 10 but take advantage of this.
This is really like the future. Who is going to analyze data and going to rank for more keywords, is going to win its simple statistics and numbers. You have this great tool makes that job much, much easier. Like here you see, like you’re not showing or your listing don’t include the terms that are required like for 12,000 search volume. So that’s, that’s really amazing.
Lailama [00:10:52] And another thing that I like about this tool is it gives you like if it’s a complete beginner and you don’t know what to do, what the best practices are, it gives you like industry-wide best practices.
Yes. But it’s like it’s super helpful because if you’re just starting out and you don’t know, just hit the Bulb icon, it’ll show you a bunch of tips, things to avoid, things to do. And the better your listing is, the more optimized it is, the higher chances of success.
And speaking of data, actually, I want to touch base on one other point. You know how it gives you these characters and everything. They’re really soft limits. If you exceed the 228 characters, this tool is not going to stop you, but it’ll go red. Okay. But one thing to keep in mind is your bullet points in total need to be a thousand characters. So this will show you how many characters you have.
And so added up in total, your bullet points need to be 1000. And the reason I say it has to be 1000 is because we’ve ran so many tests where after the thousandth character limit in your bullet points, you are not going to be ranked for any keywords that you input in there.
So make sure that it’s up to a thousand, because after that, even if you’re entering the best keywords, it doesn’t matter because you’re not going to be ranked for it. And if you’re not ranked for, that kind of takes away from the purpose of doing keyword research. So each bullet can be any like this can be 250, this can be 150, but in total it should be 150, sorry, 1000 characters. So that’s one thing to keep in mind.
Tomer [00:12:24] Very good point that I knew about it, but a lot of sellers don’t know it. Yeah, like you said, after the certain character limit, they just not going to index, not just rank. It’s like invisible to Amazon and they ignore it pretty much.
Lailama [00:12:38] And I think you will agree with me on this. You have a similar mantra of like work smart, not hard. So look at all the data, there’s so much information out there and, some of it is not backed up by data. So just try to see, are there any studies done to verify this? Like a thousand character limit?
So many people are, maybe you yourself have tried out to a more where like after the thousand you’re not getting ranked. So just make sure that whatever information you’re consuming from the Internet that is backed up by some kind of small case study or some kind of data.
Tomer [00:13:15] That’s so true.
Lailama [00:13:19] Okay. So again, going back to this tool, I wanted to mention another cool thing and I certainly have seen this across some U.S. and Canadian marketplaces where they have completely gotten rid of the Subject Matter field. And as we all know, this is one of the top three spots to get ranked for a keyword.
So what do you do? Well, if you are uploading your listing directly from Seller Central, you may not being in a certain product category or in certain marketplace. You may not have access to Subject Matter anymore. So if you’re using the Listing Builder Tool, it’s going to allow you to rank for these keywords or index for them at least.
So whatever keyword you put in here, it’s going to allow you to rank for it. And if you want to double check this information again, when I said all the information needs to be backed by some data. So what you can do is go to our Index Checker tool. Put in a unique keyword here that you do not have in your entire listing, and then go back to the Index checker and maybe around like a 24-hour time limit, after 24 hours, put in that unique keyword and enter your ASIN and you will see that you’re being indexed for it. So you are going to be searchable for that keyword.
So that’s your way of running a study yourself. Whether this particular field within Listing Builder helps your listing or not, are you being ranked? So are you being indexed for this keyword?
Tomer [00:14:52] So that’s amazing. And I think that’s because this tool work I see you have to connect it with your API access and probably it doesn’t show on the Amazon backend, but through the API you can still update it. That’s really nice. A nice benefit because not a normal seller would have a lot of trouble to get access to the API.
In my case, I did because I built like custom tools to our business that require API. But it’s not that easy. Like you have to go through applications and stuff. So this is a great benefit to have. This is really nice. I didn’t even know that you can do it through the API. So that’s nice.
Lailama [00:15:31] Yeah. Like, I personally am not super tech savvy like you, so I wouldn’t be able to figure out what API. Where do I have to go? I’d be lost. So you know, everything simple. Just download like sync you’re listing through Listing Builder and it’s so much easier.
Tomer [00:15:46] Oh, that’s true. That’s really that’s really nice. And when you run out of space, this is the place to put the extra keywords to rank for to index for that you could it fit in a title bullet or the search term or the subject matter is a really nice place to put those.
Lailama [00:16:05] Absolutely. Absolutely. It works wonders for ranking.
Tomer [00:16:08] So when you’re done with it, what you go, you just click on sync to Amazon and it’s like doing that for you or how long does it take? Like I would normally do it like on Seller Central?
Lailama [00:16:20] Yeah. So you hit sync to Amazon and it shows already connect to your Seller Central. Sync your Seller Central. So once you have your Seller Central sync like you put in your ASIN and everything, it will directly sync it to Amazon for you. So you upload this hit sync and it’s automatically done. It should appear within 24 hours.
Your listing should be updated within 24 hours so you don’t have to do anything else in Seller Central. Although there is one thing, we have the five bullet points here, right? So if you add any additional bullet point like a sixth or seventh one, those you will have to manually input into Seller Central. But if you’re staying within the five bullet points and just doing your description, search terms, everything from here, not a problem it’ll sync automatically for you.
Tomer [00:17:12] That’s really cool. So there’s a lot of new features here that, I’m not going to use Scribbles any more after this. So, you know, this is going to save you time. And it’s all about being productive because sometimes when something is complicated, you just postpone it. You let go. I’m not going to deal with it.
But when it’s so easy, it’s just no brainer. Like you said, you have to work smart and like as far as investment, like how much time you’re going to put to what it can give you after you make sure all keywords are there. This is like the best ROI that you can get, especially now with these tools. So yeah, definitely check it out.
And Lailama, can you show us this is another question that a lot of people I did a video about this but like manually, not that easy as this method is but if you want to create your own or change your canonical URL, how do you do it from this tool?
Lailama [00:18:08] Yeah, so it’s pretty easy. Like I said, you just have to like sync it directly to Amazon. So your product title in order to create a canonical URL, you want to make sure that you have five words. So let’s say I’m doing Manny’s mysterious oddities.
I will put in the name of the brand and then two more words left, because you want to make sure that there’s a total of five words first. Okay so coffin shelf and then hit this dash button and then you can continue writing about spooky décor, whatever the rest of your keywords words are.
But the first five words are is what’s going to become your canonical URL. So before you put the dash, make sure you put in your brand name and then additional whatever number of words is left. In my case, there were only two words left, so I put in coffin shelf and when you sync directly to Amazon, it’s going to show up as your canonical URL.
Tomer [00:19:11] Okay. And then so honestly, if it’s a new listing, I suggest you do this first and maybe then after you have the canonical URL set, change it to something with all the keywords and all of that.
Because sometimes you just want the canonical URL to get the benefit of a SEO, outside traffic search engine, stuff like that. But it’s not really the best converting start or a way to start your listing, right? So that’s what I do usually is, I create the listing with the keywords I want to start and then I add it and change it.
Lailama [00:19:45] Yeah.
Tomer [00:19:46] Without the dash, right?
Lailama [00:19:48] Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead.
Tomer [00:19:51] So just without the hyphens because it will reset it, right?
Lailama [00:19:54] Yes. Yes, that’s correct. So, yeah, that’s another way of doing it. In this case, a coffin shelf was a very good keyword. Yeah, so we could put it. But like you mentioned, in everyone’s case, that’s probably not going to be the best keyword to put out there. Like, what are the chances that your brand name and the keywords are going to be a total of five words, right? So.
Tomer [00:20:17] Yes or maybe it’s a really high competitive keyword or that you have not a great chance to rank at the beginning. So you started with something easier.
Lailama [00:20:26] Correct. Something with maybe lower search volume. But is that lower hanging fruit that you think you can find opportunity and I completely agree with that.
Tomer [00:20:35] Okay, great. Yeah. Thank you, Lailama. It was really nice presentation and demo. I really liked it. I learned a lot. I’m sure a lot of people will learn and start using it because it’s really fresh new stuff that you get. That was really hard to do before. It takes, much longer than what it’s going to take you right now with this amazing tool.
Start using it. It’s really a no brainer. Just put your listing or even for new ones and you have all the suggestions. I like the hide search term that you already used so you can see only what’s left there, the canonical URL and all these great tips. So thank you, I really appreciate it. We have more stuff to talk about. Hopefully you can come again in the future.
Lailama [00:21:24] Yeah. Thank you for having me. I’d love to be on again, and I hope that people got some value out of this video.
Tomer [00:21:30] Of course. Thank you. You have a great day.